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Join the Ravenclaw Hufflepuff duo as they discuss their reactions and takeaways from the twelfth chapter of the first book. Make Magic with EPeezy, and hear their answers to this episode's #HallowsOrHorcruxes question.
#SarcarrogancePresents #TheLightningBoltChronicles #EPeezy #XtinaMcCrazy #Podcast #OnlyMugglesAfterAll #HarryPotter #Desire #MakingMagic #HallowsOrHorcruxes #TLBCTrivia #MagicOrMischiefMondays #SMGorSMD
Harry For President
Join the Ravenclaw Hufflepuff duo as they discuss their reactions and takeaways from the eleventh chapter of the first book. Make Magic with EPeezy, and hear their answers to this episode's #HallowsOrHorcruxes question.
#SarcarrogancePresents #TheLightningBoltChronicles #EPeezy #XtinaMcCrazy #Podcast #OnlyMugglesAfterAll #HarryPotter #HarryForPresident #MakingMagic #HallowsOrHorcruxes #TLBCTrivia #MagicOrMischiefMondays #SMGorSMD
And Then There Were Three. . .
Join the Ravenclaw Hufflepuff duo as they discuss their reactions and takeaways from the tenth chapter of the first book. Make Magic with EPeezy, and hear their answers to this episode's #HallowsOrHorcruxes question.
#SarcarrogancePresents #TheLightningBoltChronicles #EPeezy #XtinaMcCrazy #Podcast #OnlyMugglesAfterAll #HarryPotter #AndThenThereWereThree #MakingMagic #HallowsOrHorcruxes #TLBCTrivia #MagicOrMischiefMondays #SMGorSMD
Join the Ravenclaw Hufflepuff duo as they discuss their reactions and takeaways from the ninth chapter of the first book. Make Magic with EPeezy, and hear their answers to this episode's #HallowsOrHorcruxes question.
#SarcarrogancePresents #TheLightningBoltChronicles #EPeezy #XtinaMcCrazy #Podcast #OnlyMugglesAfterAll #HarryPotter #Alohomora #MakingMagic #HallowsOrHorcruxes #TLBCTrivia #MagicOrMischiefMondays #SMGorSMD
Got Your Conk!
Join the Ravenclaw Hufflepuff duo as they discuss their reactions and takeaways from the eighth chapter of the first book. Make Magic with EPeezy, and hear their answers to this episode's #HallowsOrHorcruxes question.
#SarcarrogancePresents #TheLightningBoltChronicles #EPeezy #XtinaMcCrazy #Podcast #OnlyMugglesAfterAll #HarryPotter #GotYourConk #MakingMagic #HallowsOrHorcruxes #TLBCTrivia #MagicOrMischiefMondays #SMGorSMD
In The Tatami Room
Recorded in Erika's tatami room in Ehime on 12/29/23.
Join the Ravenclaw Hufflepuff duo as they do a taste test of some Harry Potter treats and show Harry Potter merch they bought during their trip to Tokyo and gifted each other for Christmas.
#SarcarrogancePresents #TheLightningBoltChronicles #EPeezy #XtinaMcCrazy #Podcast #OnlyMugglesAfterAll #HarryPotter #InTheTatami Room #MakingMagic #HallowsOrHorcruxes #TLBCTrivia #MagicOrMischiefMondays #SMGorSMD
Lightning Strikes Tokyo
Lightning Strikes Tokyo!!!
Join the Ravenclaw Hufflepuff duo as they immerse themselves into the Wizardng World at the WB Studio Tour Tokyo. (Visit Date: 12/18/23)
#SarcarrogancePresents #TheLightningBoltChronicles #EPeezy #XtinaMcCrazy #Podcast #OnlyMugglesAfterAll #HarryPotter #LightningStrikesTokyo #MakingMagic #HallowsOrHorcruxes #TLBCTrivia #MagicOrMischiefMondays #SMGorSMD
Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!
Chronicle: Book 1, Chapter 7
Join the Ravenclaw Hufflepuff duo as they discuss their reactions and takeaways from the seventh chapter of the first book. Make Magic with EPeezy and hear their answers to this episode's #HallowsOrHorcruxes question.
#SarcarrogancePresents #TheLightningBoltChronicles #EPeezy #XtinaMcCrazy #Podcast #OnlyMugglesAfterAll #HarryPotter #NitwitBlubberOddmentTweak #MakingMagic #HallowsOrHorcruxes #TLBCTrivia #MagicOrMischiefMondays #SMGorSMD
Ickle Ronnykins
Chronicle: Book 1, Chapter 6
Join the Ravenclaw Hufflepuff duo as they discuss their reactions and takeaways from the fifth chapter of the first book. Make Magic with EPeezy and hear their answers to this episode's #HallowsOrHorcruxes question.
#SarcarrogancePresents #TheLightningBoltChronicles #EPeezy #XtinaMcCrazy #Podcast #OnlyMugglesAfterAll #HarryPotter #IckleRonnykins #MakingMagic #HallowsOrHorcruxes #TLBCTrivia #MagicOrMischiefMondays #SMGorSMD
Chronicle: Book 1, Chapter 5
Join the Ravenclaw Hufflepuff duo as they discuss their reactions and takeaways from the fifth chapter of the first book. Make Magic with EPeezy and hear their answers to this episode's #HallowsOrHorcruxes question.
#SarcarrogancePresents #TheLightningBoltChronicles #EPeezy #XtinaMcCrazy #Podcast #OnlyMugglesAfterAll #HarryPotter #Diagonally #MakingMagic #HallowsOrHorcruxes #TLBCTrivia #MagicOrMischiefMondays #SMGorSMD
Chronicle: Book 1, Chapter 4
Join the Ravenclaw Hufflepuff duo as they discuss their reactions and takeaways from the fourth chapter of the first book. Make Magic with EPeezy and hear their answers to this episode's #HallowsOrHorcruxes question.
#SarcarrogancePresents #TheLightningBoltChronicles #EPeezy #XtinaMcCrazy #Podcast #OnlyMugglesAfterAll #HarryPotter #Mimblewimble #MakingMagic #HallowsOrHorcruxes #TLBCTrivia #MagicOrMischiefMondays #SMGorSMD
Chronicle: Book 1, Chapter 2
Join the Ravenclaw Hufflepuff duo as they discuss their reactions and takeaways from the second chapter of the first book. Make Magic with EPeezy and hear their answers to this episode's #HallowsOrHorcruxes question.
#SarcarrogancePresents #TheLightningBoltChronicles #EPeezy #XtinaMcCrazy #Podcast #OnlyMugglesAfterAll #HarryPotter #Unbroken #MakingMagic #HallowsOrHorcruxes #TLBCTrivia #MagicOrMischiefMondays #SMGorSMD
Welcome to The Lightning Bolt Chronicles!
Meet besties Xtina & EPeezy. Join this Ravenclaw Hufflepuff duo as they give a preview of how the show will be structured, the names of each segment and what they are, tell their "Harry Potter Origin Stories" and discuss their answers to questions about their favorites. Open to viewers of all ages but parental guidance is strongly suggested (they're only muggles after all!)
It's time to go #BackToHogwarts2023
See you on #PlatformNineAndThreeQuarters
#SarcarrogancePresents #TheLightningBoltChronicles #EPeezy #XtinaMcCrazy #OnlyMugglesAfterAll #HarryPotter #MakingMagic #HallowsOrHorcruxes #SMGorSMD